Affiliate Disclosure. provides people with well researched, timely and value adding content covering range of topics. We also monetise this website in various ways as explained below to cover our costs and earn a legitimate income for our efforts.

Affiliate Marketing.

The primary way we monetise this website is through affiliate marketing.

When a visitor clicks on any one of the affiliate links and makes a purchase with the particular vendor, we make a commission. We only ever personally recommend products that we believe are of high value based on our own personal experience with the product and/ or insight after having researched it thoroughly.

Only a very small percentage of the links placed within this website are affiliate links, most links take visitors to additional content throughout this website or link to relevant and useful external websites.

Amazon Associates.

We may place Amazon, a third party affiliate marketing network, advertisements on this website for which we will be paid a  commission when a website visitor clicks on one of these ads and proceeds to make a purchase on the Amazon website. Amazon uses cookies to ensure we get a commission when our website visitors purchase a product after clicking one of our Amazon affiliate links. Learn more about the use of cookies by reading the Amazon Privacy Policy.

Google Adsense.

From time to time, we may place Google Adsense advertisements on this website. We earn a small amount of revenue from this for x amount of impressions and when a user clicks on one of these ads. Google optimises these ads to show you the most useful and relevant ads by the use of cookies. Learn more about the use of cookies and Google Adsense advertising policies.

Other Sources Of Income.

At our sole discretion, we may use other methods of monetising this website such as CPA marketing which pays a fee when a visitor completes an action, such as filling out a form.

How Does This Impact You?

It’s important to understand that our receiving a commission or revenue of any kind will not make the product more expensive for you in any way whatsoever. Our commission is paid by the product vendor and/ or advertising partner.


We published this page to explain to our visitors how we monetise this website and to explain the concept behind it. We hope this helps and if you have any questions please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.